The Alpi Group has always placed environmental responsibility and respect for regulations at the centre of its priorities. Now it is officially committing itself to carrying out a programme of improvements in order to achieve recognised standards of excellence in forest management in Cameroon, and is releasing a public declaration to that effect (the full document is available at the website Its partner in this project will be Tft (Tropical forest trust), an international non-profit organisation that has been active for years in projects related to the sustainable development of tropical forests and which will here offer the Alpi group all the support necessary for putting this project into practice. Vittorio Alpi, chief executive of the Alpi group, has declared to be “ ..well aware that they are taking on a major responsibility towards maintaining the heritage of the forests for future generations”.
Scott Poynton, Tft’s executive director, added: “Alpi is a responsible industrial group, and since it manages 265,000 hectares of tropical forest its activities are capable of producing a positive influence not only at local levels but also at a national level throughout Cameroon, and indeed the whole Congo basin”.
Alpi: a partnership with Tft
ultima modifica: 2007-10-05T00:00:00+00:00