Bajaj Eco-tec products is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bajaj Hindusthan, the largest sugar manufacturer of the Asia and the fourth largest in the world.
At Bajaj Eco-tec products, with an innovative concept where in agricultural residue in form of “Bagasse”, generated from the crushing of sugar cane, is forward integrated as the basic input for the bagasse based Medium density fiber boards (Mdf), High density fiber boards (Hdf), Particle Boards and laminated flooring. The bagasse based Mdf, Hdf, particle board and laminated flooring are a reconstituted lignocellulosic wood substitute that is truly “Wood Free”.
Bajaj Eco-tec’s range of “bagasse” based Hdf laminated flooring is also the first and the only Indian manufacturer of laminated flooring.
The company has made investments to set up three state-of-the-art plants in Uttar Pradesh, two of these shall be dedicate to manufacturing bagasse based Mdf-Hdf laminated flooring and the other for bagasse based particle boards. The combined installed capacity of Bajaj Eco-tec shall bring the company as the single largest manufacturer of Mdf-Hdf, particle board and flooring in India.
The plant and machinery has arrived at the sites and the construction activity is in full swing to meet the deadline of commencement of commercial production by December 2007.
The efficient and beneficial utilization of bagasse mass will create additional opportunities for earning for the farmers. New state-of-the-art fully automated manufacturing plants for Mdf and particle boards will create substantial lucrative job opportunities for the rural masses.
Precious foreign exchange is saved to a great extent as Mdf and particle boards from the plant shall meet the demand shortfall in domestic markets.
Commitment to the environment are referred to forward the integration of agricultural residue in form of bagasse to encourage the conservation of national resources, as well saving and improving the environmental resources by increased plantation of sugar cane which is fast growing hence a renewable source for the generation of bagasse, the base input-raw material, year on year.
The big project of Bajai Eco-tec
ultima modifica: 2007-11-12T00:00:00+00:00