Sayerlack: a company close to its customers

Sayerlack, a leading company in the wood coating industry, based in Bologna, organized a Sayerday in Galatina (Lecce- Italy), at the Ermitage Hotel, on Saturday 13th October.
The so-called Sayerdays are meeting days for the company and its customers, where Sayerlack technical operators present new products and talk with customers, answering their questions. A meeting focused on the cooperation between the customer and the supplier, where the customer is kept updated on new products and where he can finds the answers to all his questions, because the company operates close to him.
These meetings boost a real synergy between the company and its customers. The Research and Development Laboratory  – where 40 technical operators work – examines the products with a constant attention on customers’ requirements: each group test new products according to market requests, using advanced tools and paying the highest attention on quality control of the products.
260 customers attended the event, successfully confirming the reliability of Sayerlack solutions.
After the company profile given by the managing director, Alessandro Pirotta, main water based products for outdoor or indoor applications were presented.
Then the attention was focused on Decopaint standard, effective from the 1st January 2007. According to this regulation, all the products used in building sites and body shops must have a low percentage of solvent. These restrictions involve all customers and it was interesting to analyze the possible solutions allowing to comply with the regulation without influencing operation quality.
The Sayerdays are organized throughout the year, in different areas in Italy. The meeting dates can be asked to the customer service (telephone 051 770770) and are listed in the web site

Sayerlack: a company close to its customers ultima modifica: 2007-11-21T00:00:00+00:00 da admin