For the second time Ahec, the American hardwood export council ( participated in Indiawood, which was held in Bangalore from 29 February to 4 March 2008.
As of to underline the changing face of India’s wood processing industry and how it is attracting increasing interest in imported wood products for furniture and joinery manufacturing, Us hardwood shipments to the market grew to Usd 3.5 million last year, up by 130.9 percent from 2006. The development of modern manufacturing facilities and their reliance on imports of graded hardwood lumber and veneer seems to have started to have a real impact on demand for Us hardwoods, with lumber imports up by 109.1 percent to a value of Usd 531,000 (726 cubi meters) and veneer imports up by 60.6 percent to a value of Usd 938,000. This upturn confirms the prediction that demand for imported temperate hardwood lumber and veneer will increase significantly over the coming years, as the organised furniture sector grows in importance and as high end, Indian-made furniture and interior products become established in the market. While this is a very promising development for Us hardwood exporters, Indian importers are still very much focused on converting saw logs in their own mills and, as a result, imports of hardwood logs from India grew by 214.7 percent last year to a value of Usd 1.1 million (2,563 cubic meters).
In response to the growing interest in Us hardwoods from India importers, manufacturers and specifiers, Ahec will seek to maintain a programme of activities in India for the foreseeable future. The campaign will be designed to raise awareness and improve knowledge levels of American hardwoods and will include educational seminars for architects, interior designers, manufacturers and for the hardwood importing trade, as well as exhibiting at trade shows and running a high profile Pr and advertising campaign.
Us hardwood export to India: real signs of growth…
Us hardwood export to India:
real signs of growth…
ultima modifica: 2008-03-19T00:00:00+00:00