Call for EU against illegal wood trade in Italy

According to a recent Wwf statement, much illegal wood, which is not authorized by local governments or international authorities, is coming in Italy. Pefc Italia ( collected and re-launched the Wwf warning, asking the EU for an intervention to fight the illegal trade wreaking havoc in hundreds of forests. Only 8% of worldwide forests is certified for its sustainable management. The problem affects Italy simply because it imports a huge amount of wood for its own national industry, 90% of its needs (annual import of raw wood and semifinished materials is as much as 21.8 million tons according to 2005 FAO figures). According to the Wwf study, one-fifth of the wood imported into the EU countries (between 26.5-31 million cubic meters in 2006) comes from illegal sources and Italy is directly involved since that a large volume of illegal wood is imported from Africa, Asia and South America. This is a situation Federlegno-Arredo is really sensitive about. The company made its members understand the importance of traceability and certification as a possible solution to this international issue.
The World Bank estimated the illegal trade has caused the global wood market to lose 10 billion dollars and some 5 billion dollars every year of government taxes evaded. Pefc Italy addressed the national governments and the EU to stress the necessity to enhance a proper management of the forest heritage, saying a strong “no” to illegal trade, through more controls, compliance with the current regulations and reliable knowledge about the origin of all wood products, from forests to cupboards in our houses. That’s why the new 2008 law of April 11 (action plan for the environmental sustainability of consumption in the Public Administration) drawn up by the Italian Ministry of the Environment is the right step towards transparent sales, the recognition of Italian companies having a certification of traceability, and an ethical and moral signal to all consumers.

Call for EU against illegal wood trade in Italy ultima modifica: 2008-09-01T00:00:00+00:00 da admin