Blum will remain faithful to Pordenone

Due to its geographic position, nearby the furniture industries of Veneto and Friuli, the city of Pordenone has been during the years the most important site for exhibitions involved in furniture accessories for the Italian market. Also this year, for the sixth time Julius Blum GmbH will attend Zow Pordenone in October to present their latest product news. Either for customers or for exhibitors, this exhibition is ever more a steady point in their exhibitions program.
The Autumn appointment of Sicam is perfectly fitted into the fairs panorama. Many furniture manufacturers are interested in being informed already in Autumn about the last developments coming from accessory suppliers, mainly due to the Furniture Show of Milan to be held always on Sprintgtime”. So André Moretti, market manager of Blum in Italy.
As well-known, starting from 2009 Zow will be transferred to Verona and almost contemporaneously will be held to Pordenone a new exhibition, Sicam. Blum has chosen Pordenone exhibition centre, therefore they will be present at Sicam from 14 to 17 October 2009, and will not exhibit to Zow Verona.

Blum will remain faithful to Pordenone ultima modifica: 2008-09-24T00:00:00+00:00 da admin