The European panel industry meets in Santiago de Compostela

The next Annual General Meeting of Epf (European panel federation), will take place on 23-26 June 2009 in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.The Spanish member association “Anfta” invites the European wood-based panels industry to meet in capital of Galicia. The venue of the meetings will be San Francisco Hotel Monumento and Hotel Oarador dos Reis Catholicos.
The open part of the assembly will commence with the Gala Evening on Wednesday 24 June. The Gala Evening and the Open Part of the general assembly (on Thursday 25 June) will be organised in co-operation with the European federation of the plywood Industry (Feic), which holds its general assembly held at the same venue. This will give all members the opportunity to meet again with the leading European plywood producers. Further information at, mail address

The European panel industry meets in Santiago de Compostela ultima modifica: 2009-04-20T00:00:00+00:00 da admin