News for Spoga 2009

In early September the gardening fair Spoga will take place for the 51st time — and this year Katrin Schön is making her debut as the trade fair’s new product manager. Effective 15th March she will succeed Martin Brüggemann, who will be leaving Koelnmesse at the end of the month to take on new challenges. Ms. Schön, who has already been serving over the last few years in Koelnmesse’s House, Garden and Leisure business unit, will be Product Manager of not only of spoga but also of spoga+gafa, which will take place from 5th to 7th September 2010. Succeeding Ms. Schön in her former position in press relations will be Henriette Preiß.

News for Spoga 2009 ultima modifica: 2009-04-29T00:00:00+00:00 da admin