The international economic and financial situation is bringing significant consequences to the woodworking and wood-based materials industry. In the first quarter 2009, such effects have seriously affected orders, confirming the negative trend that had been evident throughout 2008. In the January-March period – analyzed in the periodical market survey by the Studies Office of Acimall, the association of Italian machinery manufacturers, on a statistic sample that represents the entire industry in terms of company size and production type – a 54.8 percent reduction of orders was recorded compared to 2008. A “heavy” trend, with foreign orders down by 56 percent and domestic orders down by 50.6 percent.
In the period under scrutiny, prices have recorded a slight shrinkage (-0.1 percent), while the months of ensured production at the end of Q1 2009 were equal to 1.3.
Looking at the quality survey, 90 percent of the interviewees indicate a negative production trend, while the situation is stable according to 10 percent. No one reported growing production volumes.
Employment is considered stationary by 50 percent of the sample and falling by the remaining 50 percent. Available stocks are stationary according to 57 percent, decreasing according to 26 percent and growing according to the remaining 17 percent.
Despite the strong decrease of orders in the first quarter, the forecast survey shows some signals of recovering confidence, especially for international markets. So, the negative mood that dominated the final months of 2008 and the beginning of 2009 seems to leave room for moderate optimism.
Foreign orders will record growth according to 30 percent of the sample, while they are expected to stay at the same level according to 40 percent. The remaining 30 percent expects a drop (balance 0). The domestic market is going to expand according to 17 percent of the interviewees, while 40 percent fears further shrinkage. For the remaining 43 percent of the sample, domestic sales will be stable (negative balance 23).