The global wood pellet industry has developed remarkably fast

Global pellet production was close to 10 million tons in 2008, according to the Wood resource quarterly. It is estimated that production will double over the next 4-5 years and some industry experts forecast an annual growth of 25-30 percent globally over the next ten years. Europe is currently the major market for pellets, but the interest for non-fossil fuels in North America is growing. The new leadership in the Us government is going to have a positive impact on alternative fuel usage and the expected change in energy policy could very well result in increased imports of pellets from Canada to the Us, which will
eventually diminish the flow of biomass from North America to Europe. As a result, European pellet consumers will have to search for alternative supply sources in Asia, Latin America, Africa and Russia.

The global wood pellet industry has developed remarkably fast ultima modifica: 2009-05-11T00:00:00+00:00 da admin