An uncertain future some days after Interzum and Ligna

In spite of the heavy economic situation, this “German May” has undoubtedly been very lively and full of events and we’ll talk about them very soon.
Now we only want to give you the first data about Hannover Interzum 2009, one of the world leading event for suppliers of the furniture industry, and Cologne Ligna 2009, the world fair for the forestry and wood industries .

According to the organizers, there were 47thousand visitors from 130 Country (as against 50thousand from 137 Country in 2007), 1370 exhibitors (1361 in 2007) came from 63 Country and a growth of 5 percent of the exhibition area.
We can’t ignore the visitors decrease: 3 thousand less than two years ago, but, considering the situation, this datum isn’t very alarming. We have to consider that 65 percent of visitors and 70 percent of exhibitors came from foreign countries and this is a signal of a very high level of internationality.
“The high qualification of the visitors and the great international interest of the show – said Gerald Böse, president of KoelnMesse – are an impressive confirmation that Interzum is an international leading fair”.

Unfortunately at Hannover Ligna there wasn’t the same situation of Cologne Interzum and we found a “suffering” situation and more involved in the dramatic economic crisis.
Ligna continues to be the biggest and most effective woodworking show, but we saw many “patches”, many unused spaces.
The final press release distributed at the end of the fair talked of 130.152 square metres of the exhibition area occupied as against 134.583 declared at the end of 2007 edition.
Lower numbers also from the exhibitor side: this year there were 1.758 exhibitors from 50 Country as against 1.879 from 49 Country in 2007 (even if we want to specify it was a record edition under every point of view). But the most alarming data came from the visitor side, that this year were 83thousand from 90 Country (107thousand in 2007, 96.675 in 2005). Like Interzum, also Ligna attracted high quality visitors, but this is not enough to look at the future with optimism.

An uncertain future some days after Interzum and Ligna ultima modifica: 2009-05-28T00:00:00+00:00 da admin