Deutsche Messe goes to Brazil with Femade

From the next year, Deutsche Messe AG from Hannover will organize Femade, the International fair of machinery, equipment and products for the extraction and industrialization of wood and furniture that will take place since 24th to 28th May in Curitiba (Brazil). Fairs South America Ltda – the branch office of the German organization – will be responsible of the managing in Brazil.
The decision derived from the growth policy of Deutsche Messe and from the importance of the Brazilian market in wood industry. Femade, in fact, is one of the most important biennial event in wood and furniture industry in Brazil.
In 2008 there were 70 exhibitors for an exhibition area of 3.175 square metres and, according to the organizers, over then 10 thousand visitors.
Abimaq (the Brazilian machinery builders’ Association) will continue to support the event.

Deutsche Messe goes to Brazil with Femade ultima modifica: 2009-10-28T00:00:00+00:00 da admin