Cosmit: Carlo Guglielmi confirmed as president

Cosmit’s general assembly (, held on 28th October, saw Carlo Guglielmi confirmed as president of the company responsible for organising the Salone internazionale del mobile, with Rosario Messina, president of FederlegnoArredo (, as vice president. the general assembly also saw the board of directors elected as follows: Guido Cesati, Patrizia Copat, Alberto De Zan, Piero Gandini, Carlo Guglielmi, Vittorio Livi, Claudio Luti, Gianluca Marvelli, Rosario Messina, Roberto Moroso, Roberto Snaidero and Antonio Zigoni.
I am deeply grateful to all the retiring Board Members – stressed Carlo Guglielmi – not just for all they have done over the past year while I have been at the helm of Cosmit, but also during all their time in office prior to my election. Their unflagging and very real input has enabled this company to stand as the daily point of reference not just for all those involved with organising the exhibitions, but also for those involved with publicising and promoting the Home Furnishing System in Italy and throughout the world”.
There were no nominations for the post of ceo; these duties will be overseen by the president and vice president along with Marco Sabetta, director general.

Cosmit: Carlo Guglielmi confirmed as president ultima modifica: 2009-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 da admin