During the World forestry congress (Wfc) in Buenos Aires, Fsc (Forest stewardship council) celebrated two major milestones.
The first one was the 1,000th forest management certificate issued to Associação de agricultores de charneca, a small farmers association in Chamusca, Portugal. The certificate covers 4535 hectares and harvesting of both timber and non-timber forest.
Nearly thirty Fsc chain of custody certificates were issued around the world last year to mark the 15,000th CoC milestone. The certificates were issued in Italy, China, United States, India, Germany, The Netherlands, Hungary, and Hong Kong, among other several other countries, by a number of Fsc accredited certification bodies. The milestone is relevant to the diversity of companies and countries where Fsc certification has become a driving factor in market success. Globally, over 118 million hectares of forests around are certified to Fsc standards, and Fsc forest management and chain of custody certificates are issued in over 100 countries worldwide.
Two major milestones for Fsc
Two major milestones for Fsc
ultima modifica: 2010-01-25T00:00:00+00:00