Following the early booking phase for the Interzum 2011 on May 31, 2010, Koelnmesse GmbH is in optimistic spirits. “We have exceeded our expectations. 80 percent of the space has been reserved a whole 300 days before the event is taking place. With currently 600 companies committed, we are already 10 percent above the figures compared to the last interzum event. All in all, we are anticipating well in excess of 1,400 companies and a total rented space of 152,000 square metres. It is particularly pleasing that companies such as Egger, Süddekor, Lamigraf, Technocell and FunderMax will be once again using the interzum as their forum. This is an excellent result for us”, comments Gerald Böse, chairman of the Board of Koelnmesse GmbH. Frank Haubold, Interzum product manager makes the following statement: “We believe that the current developments confirm that the Interzum is a leading international trade fair. In view of the economic downturn experienced last year, many suppliers are increasingly focussing on proven trade fairs to expand their regional and global business activities.” The world’s leading trade fair for suppliers for furniture production and interiors will be taking place in Cologne between May 25 – 28, 2011 (
Interzum 2011 on course for success
Interzum 2011 on course
for success
ultima modifica: 2010-07-27T00:00:00+00:00