China statistic report by Cnfma

According to a survey from Cnfma (Chinese association for forest machinery), as compared to the same period of 2009, orders for the second quarter 2010 increased according to 92.37 percent of the interviewees, decreased for 2.29 percent, and remained stable according to 5.34 percent. Domestic orders increased according to 90.84 percent, falled according to 3.82 percent and was stationary for 5.34 percent. Orders from foreign markets was considered as stationary by 7.63 percent of the sample, falling by 8.40 percent and increasing by 83.97 percent.
According to the survey, sales amount remain stable for 38.93 percent of the interviewees, decreased for 5.34 percent, increased according to 55.73 percent of the interviewees. 8.40 percent of the sample indicates stationary production in the second quarter, 89.31 percent growing and 2.29 percent decreasing.
Employment is considered stationary by 14.50 percent of the sample, increasing by 82.44 percent and falling by 3.05 percent.
Orders for the next period are expected to increase according to 77.86 percent, to decrease for 8.40 percent, and to remain stable according to 13.74 percent. The domestic market is going to expand according to 61.07 percent of the interviewees. Foreign orders are expected to increase according to 26.72 percent of the interviewees, to shrink for 9.16 percent, and to remain stationary for 64.12 percent.

China statistic report by Cnfma ultima modifica: 2010-09-07T00:00:00+00:00 da admin