Rilegno contest: recycling marries design

Rilegno, the national consortium for the collection and recycling of wooden packagings, launched the third edition of “Legno d’Ingegno” (ingenious wood), an international contest for the design and production of items made of recovered or recycled wood – including cork – to match environmental sustainability with the industry and design world.

The topic for 2010/2011 will be “Containing is a game”.The contest, exclusively addressed to active and “would-be” designers and architects under 35, aims at stimulating ideas and designs for any kind of container, freely interpreting the concept of playing.
Bookshelves, bedside tables, furniture offices, kitchen wall-hanging units, boxes for small items etc.: any kind of furniture or design object created to contain things is allowed to participate, provided it is made of recycled or reused wood.
The call for tender was launched last July 20 and registrations are open until 31 December 2010.
All creations suitable to contain objects inspired to the concept of game are admitted, exclusively made of recovered or recycled wood. The objects must be delivered to the secretary office of the contest within 28 February 2011, then they will be evaluated by a jury made up of representatives of the Rilegno consortium and a panel of designers, engineers and manufacturers. The evaluation will be based on criteria of project originality, industrial reproducibility, environmental compatibility of features and machining processes.
The awarding ceremony will be held during the 2011 edition of the Milan Furniture Show. A selection of the participating works will be exhibited at Fuori Salone.
The detailed program of the contest and the call for tender are available on the web site.
Rilegno contest: recycling marries design ultima modifica: 2010-09-27T00:00:00+00:00 da admin