Cefla has strengthened  its organization in Triveneto 

Cefla Finishing Group
has strengthened its organization in Triveneto with a huge investment in the new headquarters of Delle Vedove Levigatrici.
The new site in Valvasone (Pordenone), Via delle Industrie 9 (phone +39 0434 513742), houses a range of services for all the industries addressed by Cefla Finishing Group (wood, plastics, glass and fiber cement), including customer support and sales managed by Dino Gobbato (picture),
dino.gobbato@dellevedove.it and a quick service for technical support and spare parts managed by Fessehaye Asefaw, asefaw.fessehaye@cefla.it.
With this organization, Cefla Finishing Group will be able to handle all customer requests from North-Eastern Italy, the locomotive of Italian economy. This operation brings the group even closer to customers, in order to increase satisfaction levels.  


 Cefla has strengthened  its organization in Triveneto  ultima modifica: 2010-10-05T00:00:00+00:00 da admin