Cefla Finishing Group has strengthened its organization in Triveneto with a huge investment in the new headquarters of Delle Vedove Levigatrici.
The new site in Valvasone (Pordenone), Via delle Industrie 9 (phone +39 0434 513742), houses a range of services for all the industries addressed by Cefla Finishing Group (wood, plastics, glass and fiber cement), including customer support and sales managed by Dino Gobbato (picture),
dino.gobbato@dellevedove.it and a quick service for technical support and spare parts managed by Fessehaye Asefaw, asefaw.fessehaye@cefla.it.
With this organization, Cefla Finishing Group will be able to handle all customer requests from North-Eastern Italy, the locomotive of Italian economy. This operation brings the group even closer to customers, in order to increase satisfaction levels.