Also Assopannelli (FederlegnoArredo Association),will take part on 29th October next, to the Action day, a demonstration organized by Epf (European panel federation) with the aim to sensitize public opinion and politics about a problem concerning the panel world: the use by biomass plants of huge quantities of wood as a fuel, which is bringing to the raw material shortage and consequent rising of panel prices.
Due to the reduction of availability of recycled wood, there is a crisis in the particle board panel industry. As a result of this shortage of raw material there is the difficulty of panel companies to respect supply contracts and to satisfy the demand.
At Action Day will participate all European companies members of Epf.
Panels: on strike the 29th October the European panel producers
Panels: on strike the 29th October
the European panel producers
ultima modifica: 2010-10-11T00:00:00+00:00