The Rougier Group subsidiary Rougier International announces that its whole Okoume production is presently available as Fsc pure certified products. The upgrading of Rougier International products from Fsc mixed to Fsc pure is another step forward in the certification process. In an increasingly regulated market, only Rougier International is capable of providing professional players with the guarantee – for substantial volumes − that 100 percent of timber used in Okoume plywood production comes from Fsc certified forests.
The strength of the Rougier group is the integration of production and sale of products.
This integration relies above all on the group’s forest concessions, notably in Gabon, allowing Rougier International to take on commitments regarding timber origin.
Thanks to full resource control and management, Rougier International can guarantee traceability throughout the entire production line and is capable of providing the markets with substantial volumes of certified quality products. Players in the timber industry are more and more concerned about plywood quality.
Marking is therefore a key indicator in order to ensure the customer that these plywood products meet all environmental (notably of origin) and quality requirements.
Ce marking of structural timber guarantees that certain plywood products are suited for construction purposes such as flooring, roofing, panelling and cladding…
Ctbx marking, French quality label, offers the possibility of meeting technical demands for 10-year warranty in construction. Today, a large share of the production traded on the French market carries the Ctbx label.
Rougier International opens the way for Fsc pure certified
Rougier International opens the way
for Fsc pure certified
ultima modifica: 2010-12-14T00:00:00+00:00