Forest Europe experts meet in Geneva to fine-tune Conference in Oslo 2011

Representatives from Forest Europe’s signatory countries are meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on 14-15 December 2010 to discuss issues that will be raised at the Forest Europe Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe scheduled for 14-16 June 2011 in Oslo, Norway.  The ministers responsible for forests in Europe will take political decisions on the sustainable development of forests to safeguard their vital environmental and societal benefits.  The Expert Meeting represents a major step forward in the process of preparing the Forest Europe Ministerial Conference Oslo 2011 where important ministerial-level policy decisions will be taken concerning the future and protection of Europe’s forests. Experts at the meeting will discuss the conference issues and guide how to further prepare for the commitments to be made at the Ministerial Conference.
The Conference in Oslo is planned at a time when society is expressing widespread concerns that can be directly related to forests: impacts of climate change on forests, protection of biodiversity, water supply, provision of renewable raw material and energy, minimising risks from storms, floods, wildfires and droughts and protection against natural hazards are all on the political agenda in Europe and globally. The conference is expected to respond to these challenges by deciding on ways to strengthen the contribution of forests in mitigating climate change and as a natural protective environment for biodiversity, the protection of water resources and the provision of renewable forest products.
The conference will also address ways to strengthen cooperation in Europe, with the view to enhancing the role of sustainable forest management concerning the delivery of goods and services to society as well as contributing to achievement of international objectives. One possibility is to open negotiations on a legally binding agreement on forests in Europe.
The  Conferenxe will also be a major European contribution to celebrate and highlight the importance of forests in the International Year of Forests. The overall objective of the United Nations initiative is to raise awareness about the need to strengthen the sustainable management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests for the benefit of current and future generations. The International Year of Forests will be launched at the Ninth Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (Unff), which takes place on 24 January to 4 February 2011 in New York, Usa.
Follow the road to the Ministerial Conference Oslo 2011 via website

Forest Europe experts meet in Geneva to fine-tune Conference in Oslo 2011 ultima modifica: 2010-12-20T00:00:00+00:00 da admin