Cefla Finishing Group will open the Labs of Imola and Pesaro for the event “Cefla Live”, which will be held on 25 and 26 March 2011.
The latest innovation of the group will be presented at the Lab of Pesaro with the presentation of: “Giotto New”, a new evolution of the Spray Robot for windows, “Smartedge”, the most advanced technology in the coating and sanding of flat/shaped edges, “Smartparquet”, the compact solution for the coating of parquet flooring.
At the Lab in Imola will be presented: “Multiwrap by Düspohl”, wrapping machine, “iBotic”, system composed of two-arms robot and belt vertical oven, “Mito” versus “Easy” – Spraying machines to be compared, “Smartcoater”, all the technologies for the roller coating and “Kleenspray”, spraying machine for glassware.
Technical workshops on finishing systems for windows and automatic spraying coating systems, will be delivered by the most famous lacquer suppliers.
To confirm your participation in this event, you can follow this link (Registration form) or you can send an e-mail to the following address eleonora.bevilacqua@cefla.it or barbara.riccipetitoni@cefla.it