A very successful “BiesseInside”

It was a very successful event, as confirmed by the attendance of 2,000 participants over the three days that doors were open, which gave clients a preview of Biesse’s innovative solutions and its production facilities.

In Pesaro-based Tech Center was presented the range completion of numerical controlled edgebanding working centers with the new “Rover A Edge”, the nesting cell composed of “Rover A G FT” and “Klever”, an area dedicated to the production of standard and special doors and windows, the Viet branded sanding machines “S219” and “S3” and the “Hybrid Doors” packaging machine; an area dedicated to the flexible drilling with “Skipper 130”, “Skipper V31” and “Eko 902”.

Also among other novelties you could take part to demonstrations on the beam saws “Wntr 730 Twin Pusher” and “Sektor 450”, the in-line edgebanders “Stream Mds” and “Ecolaser”, as well as new edgebander lines “Akron 1300” and “Roxyl”. 
A very successful “BiesseInside” ultima modifica: 2011-10-25T00:00:00+00:00 da admin