The spacing system “Super Spacer®” by Pavanello Serramenti

Pavanello Serramenti is confirming to be between leaders in the field of eco-friendly fixtures with the adoption of “Super Spacer®“, the spacing system of last generation able to offer excellent energy performances.
After using “Warm Edge“, the duct spacing in stainless steel with pvc coating, capable of increasing the thermal insulation more than aluminum, today Pavanello revolutionizes its production lines by adopting a system considered as the benchmark for excellence within the energy efficiency market.
Super Spacer®” is the first worldwide systems of spacing grooves of predried rubber without metal
In addition to an improvement from the aesthetic point of viewthe “Super Spacer ®” contributes to a significant reduction of energy losses, as 1500 times less conductive than aluminum and able to save on average up to 0.2 W/m2K in the total values ​​of U. 
This means that the use of windows equipped with this system with low emissivity glassis able to reduce by 94 percent heat loss than with traditional aluminum ducts.

The reduction of thermal losses also contributes to the reduction of the condensation and, consequently, the formation of mold dangerous for respiratory conditions. Another salient feature is the ability of the expanded polymer to transmit the sound to an extent considerably lower than the other spacers.
For this reason it is absolutely recommended in cases of serious noise caused by planestrains or cars.

The spacing system “Super Spacer®” by Pavanello Serramenti ultima modifica: 2012-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 da admin