Formaldehyde is a substance present everywhere, even in the human body, but this “omnipresence” certainly does not prevent it from being one of the substances with which the world of wood and furniture must come to terms.
And formaldehyde has returned to talk in recent weeks, because in our country the limits set by class E1 for the emission of formaldehyde of all wood-based composites are compulsory, accepted and applied for a long time now, but not everyone have implemented also another obligation, that is the “declaration“.
The Ministerial Decree October 10, 2008 which regulates the matter establishes that those who produce, import or place on the market wood-based panels (plywood, Mdf, Osb, chipboard, plywood, strips etcetera) or products in which they are used (doors for interior, paneling, furniture, countertops, footboards, armored coverings, etc.) are required to attach to the products a declaration of conformity certifying their compliance with class E1 (based on EN 13689).
So it is not enough to “be in E1”, but we must also explicitly declare it. In practice, any furnishing product containing wood-based panels must always be accompanied by an attestation declaring that the formaldehyde emission limits according to class E1 are complied with: anyone who does not comply with this obligation is punishable by penalties that they can be both administrative and penal.
Formaldheyde: declaration is compulsory for all

Formaldheyde: declaration is compulsory for all
ultima modifica: 2018-01-10T12:20:04+00:00