Bosch Rexroth’s goal: zero carbon emissions within 2020

Since 2011, Bosch Rexroth has decided to commit itself to achieving Bosch’s ambitious goal: to be the first carbon neutral industrial company starting from 2020.
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the manufacturing industry is responsible for almost a third of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions. That’s why Bosch is stepping up its efforts, which have already had positive results, to reduce CO2 emissions. “We will be the first major industrial company to achieve the ambitious goal of carbon neutrality by this year. In 2020, Bosch will have zero carbon emissions,” announced Volkmar Denner, Ceo of Robert Bosch GmbH. “All 400 Bosch offices in different countries around the world will have zero impact.” To achieve this ambitious goal, the company is taking four main measures: improving energy efficiency, increasing the percentage of renewables in energy supply, increased use of green energy and strategy to compensate for inevitable carbon emissions. In this way, 3.3 million tons of CO2 will be neutralized per year starting this year.

Bosch Rexroth’s goal: zero carbon emissions within 2020 ultima modifica: 2020-01-31T11:20:31+00:00 da Luca