WoodTech Alger: appointment to February 2021

The second edition of WoodTech Alger, the international trade fair for furniture, accessories and woodworking machines, will be from 15 to 18 February 2021 at the Safex exhibition center in Algeria.

The event will be an international gathering of global sector companies who are looking to expand into North Africa. In fact, Algeria, which has a free trade agreement with 11 African countries, is the commercial center of these countries and over the past year, the Algerian Government has banned the import of finished products to improve the country’s industry. This policy aims to increse the production in the country. Considering these developments, an important potential is waiting for our sub-industry, machinery and equipment producing companies in Algeria

WoodTech 2021 will be a success?

WoodTech Alger: appointment to February 2021 ultima modifica: 2020-07-06T14:14:58+00:00 da Francesco Inverso