Biesse Group: 50 million euros from BNL

BNL BNP Paribas Group has structured a 50 millions euro positive loan in favour of Biesse Group. BNL’s positive loan is an innovative form of financing whose economic conditions further improve upon the achievement of precise environmental and social sustainability goals which are constantly monitored and measured.

Specifically, Biesse confirms its environmental awareness, aiming for production which is increasingly oriented towards improving current energy efficiency, using more energy from renewable sources which are certified and significantly reducing indirect CO2 emissions. Not only, the group is also committed to paying attention to and focusing on the people who work in its plants, certifying the occupational system.

The agreement between BNL and Biesse Group is in line with the “Positive Banking” strategy of the Bank and the BNP Paribas Group., which aims to combine business with attention to the environment and people. BNL’s support is also confirmation of the Bank’s proximity to many Italian businesses especially in this delicate phase of economic recovery following the “Covid-19” emergency.

Biesse Group: 50 million euros from BNL ultima modifica: 2020-07-17T11:30:45+00:00 da Francesco Inverso