The Assotende Assembly – association of manufacturers of outdoor and indoor blinds, solar shading, technical and decorative fabrics and curtains, outdoor furniture, accessories and furnishing accessories, control and automation systems – confirmed the president’s leadership outgoing Gianfranco Bellin who in his report placed at the center the dramatic crisis that the sector has experienced due to the pandemic and the lockdown.
“Crisis that now – explains Bellin just confirmed – continues with the loss for the curtains of the and office market still suspended in a middle ground and which has blocked all investments. Crisis that risks damaging the entire turnover of the the year given the seasonal impact of the activities and a widespread uncertainty starting from the news on tax deductions that did not directly involve the sun screens “.
“Working to overcome some constraints on the market, a more sincere liberalization of the glossary of products that can be installed in free construction activities and a clarification now necessary on the applicability or not of the VAT facilitated for the installation are the first objectives that has been set In collaboration with APPS – Italian association of sun protection professionals – a project will be developed to certify skills for both technicians and installers.
The Assembly was also an opportunity for members to appreciate the effort of member companies that have allocated 30,000 euros to the Red Cross for the first health interventions in the face of the pandemic.
Cesco Cazzamali of Tendarredo, Carlo Giovanardi of Flli Giovanardi Di Giovanardi Carlo & C, Luca Lovera of Mottura, Marco Marcatoni of Dfm, Riccardo Marchello of Euroflex, Roberto Mezzalira of Somfy Italy, Paolo Montanaro of Mv Line, Nicola Prendin of Nyx, Fabiano Pozzi of Manifattura Corti, Aristide Radaelli of Brianza Tende, Matteo Scampini of Zant, Edi Orioli of Pratic F.lli Orioli and Michele Parravicini of Para make up the new team of the Presidency Council, with Orioli and Parravicini who, in addition to the role of advisors, they are also the new vice-presidents of Assotende.