Catas: the “Made In Italy by Catas” and “Cqa-Catas Quality Award” product certifications

There is a growing demand for “certified products”, documents based on objective and reliable evidence which state that what a manufacturer declares about the performance, the materials and safety, is true. A request that grows strongly among consumers, more and more aware of the need of clarity regarding the real values ​​of the goods they are buying, in terms of quality, safety, “health” (for example the formaldehyde emissions) and even from a sustainability point of view.
As regards product certifications, there is an increasing attention among the furniture producers too, who have well understood how a product with characteristics and quality certified by an independent and recognized third party body is more “attractive” and even allows to increase competitiveness and the market appreciation for its brand. In addition the product certification is considered by the companies an effective and valuable tool for monitoring the whole production processes.
Not to mention that the product certifications are increasingly considered relevant in the control processes of some global great retailers operating in the furniture sector, which use them as a qualification tool for the suppliers selection.

For over twenty-five years, Catas has been issuing product certifications on the basis of international standards and specific procedures and rules ad-hoc developed to evaluate and check over time the conformity of many products, from low formaldehyde emission panels to coating systems, for indoor and outdoor use, from glulam beams for windows up to furniture products.
Not only that: Catas not only deals with certification, but also, and above all, with monitoring – through inspections and laboratory tests – that the characteristics that led to the “approval” of a product are kept constant.
An increasingly important activity for the Italian laboratory, in view of the growing recognition of the leading competence and objectivity of its procedures, an evaluation that often makes it prefer to other organizations just because of the accuracy and international reliability that characterized the reputation of the Institute.
­Recently two new certification schemes have been developed and activated in order to mark as “CQA – Catas Quality Award”, the surfaces for playground and the coatings for healthcare and medical practices furniture.


There is a specific topic in this sector that is worth underlining: we are referring to the “Italian origin of furniture” certification, a certification scheme that for a couple of years, from the entry into force of the related reference standard, makes the definition “Made in Italy” something more than a slogan, as it defines the criteria to allow a sofa, a wardrobe or a chair to give evidence not only to be “born in Italy”, but also to meet a set of requirements that certify its quality and performance.A certification that is having growing deployment especially in the sectors of office furniture, kitchens and ß and which is based on some fundamental pillars. First of all, the national standard UNI 11674, which prescribes both the process and product requirements, making – in fact – objective and verifiable the origin and the “Italian qualities”. In addition rigorous technical rules have been implemented, by including on-site inspections, in order to verify if the significant production phases are actually made in Italy, and laboratory tests in order to assess the technical performances of the finished product.

“A certification that is of great interest in the world – Franco Bulian, Catas managing director commented – as finally talking about an Italian product as a synonym of beauty and quality is no longer just a topic of conversation, but something defined, proved, certificated.We are facing with a new absolutely strategic tool to further increase the success of “made in Italy” in the world, a heritage of great value on which to work always with the utmost seriousness and rigor so that it is always an absolute, objective and indisputable value”.

Catas: the “Made In Italy by Catas” and “Cqa-Catas Quality Award” product certifications ultima modifica: 2021-04-06T15:21:33+00:00 da Francesco Inverso