Domotex 2022 canceled

Domotex 2022, initially scheduled for January 2022, has been canceled. News that, after the restrictive measures decided by Austria to limit the spread of the pandemic – with the consequent cancellation of the Holzbau Forum event – was in the air and the official announcement arrived yesterday in the late afternoon.
At this moment it is not yet known whether the event will only be postponed a few months or definitely canceled, as communicated by Deutsche Messe in the official press release.

“We have been fighting for Domotex together with the exhibiting companies until the very end, and have been in daily communication with the industry for months,” says Sonia Wedell-Castellano, Global Director Domotex, Deutsche Messe AG. “Domotex is particularly affected by the impact of the Corona pandemic, as the vast majority of exhibitors and attendees come from abroad. However, given the current pandemic situation, international business travel is not expected to recover in the short term.
What was considered a realistic and promising Re-Start scenario a month ago, and was also well received by the market, has proven to be no longer feasible in recent days”.

Domotex 2022 canceled ultima modifica: 2021-11-23T11:09:34+00:00 da Francesco Inverso