Sensorial Surface Design: new master’s degree for the design of perceptual and technical aspects of surfaces

May 30 saw the presentation of the first edition of “Sensorial Surface Design – Color, Material and Finish design for interiors and furniture“, the new Milan Polytechnic Master’s program scheduled for October, managed by POLI. design and carried out in collaboration with FederlegnoArredo’s Assopannelli, which aims to train professionals capable of designing and managing the perceptual, sensory, emotional and functional implications of surfaces, with particular reference to the field of interiors and furniture, as well as CMF design experts capable of analyzing trends and transformations to respond to the new needs of production sectors and markets.
Polytechnic university training and close connection with corporate and agency realities: are among the strengths of the Master, which boasts the scientific direction of Mario Bisson, associate professor at the Department of Design of the Politecnico di Milano, scientific director of the Color Laboratory of the Department of Design, promoter and co-founder of the Interdepartmental Laboratory of the Politecnico di Milano EDME, and Cristina Boeri, Architect, PhD, contract professor of color and perception at the School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano, and among the founders and current president of the Color placemaking Association, as well as a strong presence of institutions and companies. In fact, in addition to the presence of FederlegnoArredo’s Assopanelli, the master’s technical partners include leading companies in the sector such as Abet Laminati, Alpi, Fantoni, Saib, Gruppo Mario Saviola, Tabu, Lanta, and Cleaf.

The didactics of the Sensorial Surface Design master’s program, delivered in English, is based on a mix of theoretical lectures, testimonials and technical insights, correlated with practical̀ activities and workshops that will be held in a blended (online and in-presence) mode. The introductory and specialized lectures will be given by a highly qualified faculty composed of Politecnico di Milano professors, professionals and industry experts coming from the business world. These will be complemented by practical activities and workshops to acquire project and management skills as well as participation in project work conducted in small teams that will require the production of concrete projects from briefs created with the support of businesses, professionals and industry experts.

The master’s program is open to a maximum of 25 candidates with a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in design, engineering, architecture. For the purpose of admission, the profile of candidates who do not fall into these categories maỳ be evaluated by the management. For foreign candidates, equivalent degrees in the respective study systems will be considered valid.

Sensorial Surface Design: new master’s degree for the design of perceptual and technical aspects of surfaces ultima modifica: 2022-05-31T13:16:16+00:00 da Francesco Inverso