Altendorf: one of “Best of German Industry”

The Altendorf Group, the well-known global manufacturer of premium woodworking machinery and technologies, is featured as one of the outstanding companies in the illustrated book “Best of German Industry” by Studio ZX (ZEIT publishing group). The illustrated book highlights the resilience and clout of world market-leading German industrial companies in times of challenging global developments. 

Receiving the “Best of German Industry” award and being named in the first edition of the “Best of German Industry” publication is a great confirmation of our continuous innovation work to make our customers’ work even more efficient and safer with our machines and solutions,” says Peter Schwenk, ceo of the Altendorf Group.

Altendorf: one of “Best of German Industry” ultima modifica: 2024-01-17T11:55:35+00:00 da Francesco Inverso