FederlegnoArredo: second sustainability report

FederlegnoArredo recently presented its second Sustainability Report, confirming its commitment to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. “We believe in a profound and structural change that involves companies, consumers and society as a whole. Because each of us is, and must be, a protagonist“, FederlegnoArredo president Claudio Feltrin commented in the letter to stakeholders that opens the 2023 Sustainability Report, sharing with them the Federation’s commitment and initiatives on economic, social and environmental sustainability issues. 2023 – the document explains – has been a year full of initiatives that have enabled the Federation to bring ESG issues into discussions with companies. This demanding work was also made possible thanks to FederlegnoArredo’s investment in human capital training for a total of 1,047 hours provided, corresponding to an average of 33 hours per employee. The Federation, in line with its strategy, has dedicated particular attention to training investment on sustainability issues not only through targeted and vertical interventions, but also through collective and transversal initiatives.

Efforts that make the structure’s know-how even more strategic on sustainability issues that impact and will impact the entire supply chain: from Ecodesign to extended producer responsibility, from the valorisation of Made in Italy products from a short supply chain perspective, to the development of sector certifications. In order to do this,’ reads the report, ’in addition to the constant exchange of information with members, the webinar mode of information was used in a more than satisfactory manner. Thirty-six webinars were organised for members, involving some 3,000 participants from companies with very different characteristics, for a total of 59 hours of training provided.

Being sustainable – unfortunately – is not always an easily attainable goal for companies, due, in some cases, to complex regulations that become almost unenforceable, making companies‘ efforts futile”, Feltrin concluded. “For this reason, a system and supply chain action is becoming increasingly necessary to interpret the vision of ‘sustainable sustainability’, of which as a Federation, we are the driving force and bearer of interests.
Training within companies and within FederlegnoArredo is an indispensable tool for strengthening synergies with member companies and accompanying them along the path of green transition“.

FederlegnoArredo: second sustainability report ultima modifica: 2024-08-05T08:00:22+00:00 da Francesco Inverso