Laminates market: stable sales in 2024 after years of fluctuations

After sharp fluctuations in recent years, the laminates market stabilized in 2024. Sales by Eplf members reached 313.4 million square meters, with a limited decline of 1.44 percent compared to 2023, a much better figure than the 13.38 percent contraction recorded between 2022 and 2023.

Major European regions saw only slight declines: Western Europe lost 2.74 percent and Eastern Europe 4.97 percent, while some countries, including Turkey (plus 16.82 percent), Italy (plus 11.35 percent) and Romania (plus 7.42 percent), saw growth. Positive signs also came from markets outside Europe, with North America up 8.85 percent, Latin America up 8.51 percent and Asia up 10.53 percent.

Despite global economic pressures, the sector is showing resilience. The European housing plan and the growing demand for sustainable solutions could foster further positive developments in the long run.

Laminates market: stable sales in 2024 after years of fluctuations ultima modifica: 2025-03-19T17:43:58+00:00 da Francesco Inverso