Excellent news from Balestrini

We receive from Balestrini of Seveso, a brand that needs no presentation, a communication that is our commitment to transfer immediatly to our readers. The company since few time is under a renewal process and also the members asset is changed, we have much pleasure to see that a such representative brand of “made in Italy” continue to stay on the market.
We will return back to tell about Balestrini issue, with an interview that you will find on Xylon an Italianwoodtech edition, in July August.

A new team for a project based on tradition,
quality and technology: Balestrini S.r.l.

In March 2011 was established a new production and distribution facility, to grant the continuity in Balestrini brand and products promotion worldwide.
The management is assured by a professionals team, with the supervision of manager and the usual Balestrini family imprinting, with the incoming of the new generation.
The 57 years old-company leader in solid woodworking sector, offers a wide range of integrated solutions in (machinery and service) for woodworking sector.
Recently we had spread our applications to new areas (plastic and composite materials, aluminium…) and we are differentiating our product range introducing new methods and technology in our productive process.
Our presence to the next Ligna fair edition in Hannover (Hall 12 – Stand B45 , May30th – June3rd 2011) is focused on transferring directly to our worldwide partners and customers the typical reliability and quality of our commitment and dedication.
Our mission is finalized to grant the total customer’s satisfaction, supplying long lasting and reliable solutions.
The most significant testimony was given day by day by our customers around the world, with their strong motivation to create innovation togheter with our know-how.

Excellent news from Balestrini ultima modifica: 2011-05-11T00:00:00+00:00 da admin