Last May 24, Sicam ( the exhibition of components and semifinished materials held in Pordenone) announced its 2012 dates, namely from 17 to 20 October. Last September 16, Made (, the big construction show opening up in few days in Milan, announced in their website news section that the next edition will be held from 17 to 20 October 2012. So, Sicam and Made are scheduled concurrently in 2012.
We think it is worth trying to understand the reasons for such decisions, and we imagined some scenarios, half serious and half funny.
Made could not do otherwise, because those were the only available dates at FieraMilano, or for any other reason we are not aware of at present.
They just didn’t notice. Simple distraction, a heedless decision that will be corrected soon. After all, there are still twelve months to go…
The two exhibitions address contiguous but different targets: Sicam talks to furniture manufacturers, Made to building companies. So, no problem if they are held in the same dates. Well, of course, buildings contain furniture and other “items” that are very close to Sicam, but this overlapping does not involve hundreds of exhibitors. This explanation might make sense, though with some trouble for a few dozens “shared exhibitors” who should somehow square their accounts. However, in the past few months Made has stressed its focus on semifinished materials suppliers, so that sounds like a contradiction… unless semifinished materials and supplies will not be a topic in Milan in 2012.
Made seems willing to bring its attention to semifinished materials to extremes, reviving old Sasmil memories and the role of Milan as the capital of semifinished materials and supplies. The Sasmil heritage would then pass from Cosmit to Made Eventi Srl, a deal that has long been “in the air” and that could even be effective, if the market wouldn’t seem to think it differently… but, for Heaven’s sake, anyone can change their minds in front of a successful and convincing project!
We are stopping here. Each scenario opens up at least five or six further developments, and we have set aside other options, as it might seem we have too much fantasy… As far as we know, but that’s just rumors, the overlapping dates have surprised many industry actors and caused some perplexity. So we have asked the two competitors to give some explanation. So far, we know Sicam’s opinion, while we still have no feedback from Made. But we are working on that and we are confident someone will answer soon.
Don’t blame us, sometimes we realize we are journalists, and curiosity becomes irresistible…
Don’t blame us, sometimes we realize we are journalists, and curiosity becomes irresistible…
2012: Made and Sicam
eyeball to eyeball?
ultima modifica: 2011-09-28T00:00:00+00:00