Hot topic surfaces: “Timber coating day” at Zow 2012

Innovative developments in surface technology are the current hot topic of the European furniture industry. Digital and direct printing, modular sanding systems, the seamless foiling of surfaces and glue-less plasma technology are only a few of the key terms in this context. “Timber coating day” on the last day of Zow, 9 February 2012, at Trade fair centre in Bad Salzuflen, will be dedicated to this interesting topics. Every year, this popular event is organised by Dfo, the German research association for surface treatment, whose members have been attending Zow for the last two consecutive years. With its professional committees, the association is the ideal contact partner for questions regarding surface technology. An invitation is extended to all interested parties from the furniture construction sector and engineering, who professionally deal with surface coating. Visit, or call Mrs. Nicole Dopheide at +49 (0) 2131/40811-24 to sign up for this event.

Hot topic surfaces: “Timber coating day” at Zow 2012 ultima modifica: 2011-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 da admin