Wood-furniture economical data and FederlegnoArredo’s proposals

Proposals of FederlegnoArredo for the Italian economy emerged from the press conference held today at the Press Club of Milan. The press conference was a chance to present economic data system for the 2011 wooden-furniture and advances on new projects of the federation’s activities.

Good the control of public finances, good regaining credibility in Europe and defend Euro as well, but it is necessary to put the fire out, without destroying our future ability to grow, we must not be blinded by the need to give urgent answers and be able to look at a medium term horizon. “

The words of Roberto Snaidero, president of FederlegnoArredo, the federation that represents the entire industry of Italian wood-furniture, sound like a reflection on the results of one of the most important economic sectors of the Italian manufacturing, but also as a warning to the new government.

The data, compiled and distributed by Centro Studi Cosmit /FederlegnoArredo, preliminary results for the year 2011, show an industry that conquers foreign markets, but continues to suffer in the domestic market, held back by a vicious circle of low growth, low confidence and low spending power.
2011 turnover is in fact dropped to 32.4 billion Euros, which represents a decrease of 3.3 percent compared to 2010, when the industry was already able to recover some losses of  the 2008-09 biennium. The result of this year, if confirmed, set out the levels below to those of 2009, which is the lowest point since the beginning of the economic crisis. There is however an important difference compared to when the crisis was generalized for all markets: the negative result is mainly generated by an internal market which plays the role ofthe sector but still marked positive changes in foreign markets. Thus, the decrease of 5 percent of apparent domestic consumption of the entire chain undermines export growth of 5.1 percent, an increase which brings the total value of sales to 12.2 billion and the trade balance over 7 billion Euros. Outstanding results if compared with a situation of international trade still very weak.

The Italian Government has given a significant response confirming tax deductions of 55 percent for the redevelopment of the buildings energy, an essential measure to promote greater environmental awareness,and to ensure jobs, boost the recovery of consumption in the domestic market and facilitate the emergence of undeclared work.
The negative trend in the domestic market has penalized in a particular way the “downstream”, the furniture macro-system. The overall economic result is slightly better than the industry as a whole since the 20.3 billion euro in revenues represent a decrease of 4.9 percent compared to 2010. However, domestic consumption has registered a nearly double-digit decrease (-9.8%) nullifying the recovery of more than 1 billion Euros in exports compared to post-2009 crisis. The export was thus established on 10.5 billion Euros, up 5 percent compared to 2010 after the already excellent results of 2009. The over 500 million Euros more in exports are almost entirely translated into greater balance of trade which also grew to 367 million (+5.3%).
As far as the macro-system building-furniture, including semi-finished wood products for building, the scenario is the same, even if with different intonations. Foreign markets grow by 5.9 percent and are rapidly catching the pre-crisis levels, although they represent only 14.2 percent of total sales. Difficulties in the domestic market also registered a small increase of 0.7 percent in part as a result of the good performance of the wooden houses that are finding an attractive market despite a very difficult moment in the construction industry throughout Europe.
Wood-furniture economical data and FederlegnoArredo’s proposals ultima modifica: 2011-12-13T00:00:00+00:00 da admin