European coating conference  “Marine Coatings”

In the marine environment, all surfaces are affected by the attachment of fouling organisms. In addition, sea water is an aggressive agents that provokes corrosion.
Focusing on developments in antifouling and anticorrosion coatings for the marine environment, the first European Coatings Conference on “Marine Coatings, will take place 28-29 February 2008 in Berlin/Germany, set out to monitor the state-of-the-art of marine coatings technology and current projects.
13 international presentations from industry and academia will address various topics.
Further information, such as the detailed conference programme, abstracts as well as the possibility for online registration, can be found under
European coating conference  “Marine Coatings” ultima modifica: 2008-01-07T00:00:00+00:00 da admin