Ats, a temporary association for the purpose, was signed on 18 February for the establishment of Ucimu Academy, the project designed to encourage and support the training of people who will work in the machine tool manufacturing industry.
The signatories of the ATS are: Ucimu Foundation, the non-profit organization – belonging to the Ucimu group –which, established in 1993, operates as an institute for economic and scientific research, for cultural study, development, promotion and the support of Italian manufacturers of machine tools and production systems; Energheia Impresa Sociale, a body accredited to training and employment services at the Lombardy Region, which, among other services, is responsible for supporting companies in the search for personnel, Promos, a professional training center accredited by the Lombardy Region; Athena Social Enterprise and numerous players in the world of education and training: Carlo Cattaneo University – LIUC, Giulio Riva State Industrial Technical Institute, Andrea Ponti State Institute of Higher Education, Evangelista Torricelli Higher Education Institute.
With the official subscription, the Ucimu Academy activity is officially launched, which is working on the development of the first training project which already involves 9 recent high school graduates hired in a first level apprenticeship contract by 6 manufacturers of machine tools, robots and automation. The companies are: D’Andrea (Lainate MI), Ficep (Gazzada Schianno VA), Ghiringhelli (Luino VA) Oerlikon (Brugherio MI) Rosa (Rescaldina MI), Tecno Delta (Saronno VA).
Thanks to this one-year program, the 9 students will be able to follow an alternating training course between classroom hours – carried out by a pool of teachers, chosen among the institutes that have joined the project and among the employees of companies in the sector – and activities in the company. At the end of the 12 months, the students will obtain a certificate of higher technical specialization – Ifts, which certifies attendance at a higher technical training course.