“Creating Your Own Surfaces”: the second symposium DIPA in autumn

The second DIPA Symposium will take place in autumn 2021. Organized by the Digital Printing Association (DIPA), the “Creating Your Own Surfaces” conference is planned as a hybrid event in Hannover or, alternatively, as a purely digital event – depending on the then-state of the “Covid-19” pandemic. The association is targeting the full range of companies that produce or market tailored, individually designed surfaces.

Consisting of a series of presentations in English and German, the symposium will highlight the latest trends, including reports from the field, on the topic of “creating your own surfaces”. It is also devoted to promoting knowledge sharing and networking between interested parties and companies which are already successfully using digital printing or are planning to do so. The presentations and panel discussions will be streamed live.

A glimpse inside DIPA will be offered by DIPA.Preview Digital – an event which will be held on 11 May 2021, directly following the Ligna Outlook on the digital networking and content platform, which is scheduled to take place in late September. The presentations and interviews with digital printing experts will be broadcast live from the Media Factory at the Hannover Exhibition Center

“Creating Your Own Surfaces”: the second symposium DIPA in autumn ultima modifica: 2021-05-03T17:40:10+00:00 da Francesco Inverso