Superfaces: four days for design

From 29 September to 2 October 2021 Superfaces will open its doors in Rimini, the unprecedented event dedicated to the entire world of surfaces for interior design, architecture and contract. A fair that will host the most recent material innovations in a sector rich in tradition and innovation with leading manufacturers of floors and walls.
Between materials, aesthetics and functionality, Superfaces proposes itself as a multi-sector marketplace of wood, natural fibers, resilient, vinyl, resin and concrete surfaces, and in general of all new generation materials, made with particular and unprecedented aesthetic and technical solutions.
A horizontal and transversal event able to enrich the exhibition offer dedicated to surfaces and aimed at architects, designers, planners, engineers and retailers, distributors and contractors.
Superfaces will take place at the Rimini exhibition center and is organized by Ieg – Italian Exhibition Group.

Superfaces: four days for design ultima modifica: 2021-06-29T18:29:07+00:00 da Francesco Inverso