The “HettichXperiencedays 2021”, the events organized by Hettich – one of the major hardware manufacturers – are closing. Between mid-March and early September, there were 61,500 virtual or live registrations to “HettichXperiencedays” around the world. All Hettich working groups around the world have actively collaborated in the realization of this great project and each site had the opportunity to contribute to the success of the entire program with local initiatives and events. In total, over 1,000 online and live showroom tours were held over the span of six months, over 1,000 individual events were organized and over 250 thematic workshops were held. The varied program included a wide range of highly topical topics in 12 languages for different target groups.
HettichXperiencedays 2021: over 61,000 registrations
HettichXperiencedays 2021: over 61,000 registrations
ultima modifica: 2021-09-07T12:31:59+00:00