From November 09 to 11, the first digital event in Weinig‘s history will take place. For three days, everyone interested can participate in a variety of panel discussions, keynote speeches and expert interviews. Under the event title “Solid Wood Summit“, Weinig offers concentrated information on all aspects of solid wood processing, current trends, and forward-looking ideas.
To offer its customers even more, Weinigis also introducing a new platform this year: the Weinig.Experience. The name is both the program and the central anchor point, as it simultaneously forms the guiding idea and the digital home for Weinig’s future events – whether online or offline.
In November, the Solid Wood Summit will be the first, in this case digital, Weinig.Experience event. The contributions will be broadcast in both English and German, and during the online presentation, which can be followed from the comfort of one’s own office or home desk, experts will be available for feedback and follow-up questions via an integrated chat function.