Raute: a good Q3

Quarterly growth for Raute Corporation, which recently released its interim financial report to 30 September 2022. The third quarter saw a positive trend in demand. Orders amounted to EUR 110 million in 2022, with EUR 35 million in the third quarter.
The net amount includes EUR 2.4m of orders from Russia received at the beginning of the year, prior to the company’s decision to ‘exit’ the Russian market.
There was an increase in orders for medium-sized single production lines and technology services during the year. At the end of September, the order backlog amounted to EUR 94 million. The current order backlog, excluding Russia, is at the same level as in the second quarter and amounts to EUR 88 million.

Net sales increased by 10.2 percent to EUR 41.8 million. On net sales, revenue from the Russian order book amounted to EUR 5.7m.Operating profit fell by 18.0 percent to EUR 1.4m (1.7). Earnings per share were EUR 0.29 (0.28) and diluted earnings per share were EUR 0.29 (0.28). Orders amounted to EUR 35 million.

Raute: a good Q3 ultima modifica: 2022-10-27T16:50:05+00:00 da Francesco Inverso