Sustainable and functional: on-demand packaging by Panotec

Since measure-made cartons have become a must for Italian furniture companies, packaging research has moved beyond functionality and resistance towards sustainability and the use of greener and greener materials. In the manufacturing industry, primary packaging is the container of each product, normally branded with the logo of the manufacturer. This packaging is normally characterized by huge quantities of unrecyclable fillers, which increase protection and fill up the empty spaces inside a box.
“One of Panotec’s great intuitions was to adopt a simple continuous module of cardboard, called “fanfold”, to create measure-made boxes and inside protections, 100 percent recyclable, while minimizing the need for manual product packaging operations”, they told us at Panotec.

Often constrained to a minimum order volume from their carton supplier, companies find themselves with a huge value of goods in their warehouse, mostly made up of boxes that are too large for the products to be shipped or with unsuitable shapes. Also the protection material is a big issue, in terms of environmental sustainability and costs.
Green packaging is a key lever for innovation, as consumers are increasingly aware that the packaging materials used for their products can have an impact on the environment. Hence the decision of many companies to install a machine or an entire line, based on their production requirements, to create their own all-green custom packages.
“If you need to increase the protection of delicate or fragile products, using the same machine, you can make protective elements from the same continuous module, adapting them to the product shape to increase the protection of the entire package. The result is packaging made of 100 percent cardboard, 100 percent recyclable and highly protective”, they concluded.

Sustainable and functional: on-demand packaging by Panotec ultima modifica: 2023-05-02T08:00:03+00:00 da Francesco Inverso