An agreement was ratified for the renewal of the collective agreement in the wood-furniture sector. The main points that led to the signing see an increase in average wages of EUR 143, with a one-off of EUR 600 (EUR 300 in July 2023 and EUR 300 in March 2024). Added to this is a rebalancing of workers’ purchasing power, which, in addition to the recovery of real inflation, also recognises sectoral productivity.
An agreement that comes after months of negotiations between FederlegnoArredo, Fillea-Cgil, Feneal-Uil and Filca-Cisl. The renewal follows the “double-track” model, already introduced in 2016 and reconfirmed in 2020, and also includes a plan to counter the constant increase in inflation, with two further wage increases planned for 2024 and 2025.