Ferlegno-Arredo and Wwf for a sustainable management

“This agreement is going well: environmental resources use in a fair and clear way. I’m satisfied and I congratulate Wwf and Federlegno-Arredo to have engaged theirselves to create a clollective consciousness aware of the importance of best practices of wood management and supply. I hope that agreement like that signed today at Mipaaf is only the first one and I hope that others agreements will be signed to diffuse a bigger culture of legality to defende forest resources of our planet”. With these words, Luca Zaia – agricultural and food politics Minister – commented on agreement signed by Ferlegno-Arredo, represented by Paolo Bortolotti, and Wwf Italia, represented by Fulco Pratesi. During the agreement signing, ther was also the Minister.

Ferlegno-Arredo and Wwf for a sustainable management ultima modifica: 2009-03-07T00:00:00+00:00 da admin